Home > Artworks > ROSSORAME A.Pagliarello

Photo of ROSSORAME A.Pagliarello Italy

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Rossorame introduces the new series ‘Teoresi' :
In a completely absent space, so empty to 'falsify' the perspectives and the positions, the protagonists of Teoresi float light and they seem to fly above their own thoughts, with the extended arms but not surrendered, perplexed and receptive, as unaware actors of a dream. Essential bodies and vulnerabilities, they defends the individual nudities with immortal works of...

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Rossorame introduces the new series ‘Teoresi' :
In a completely absent space, so empty to 'falsify' the perspectives and the positions, the protagonists of Teoresi float light and they seem to fly above their own thoughts, with the extended arms but not surrendered, perplexed and receptive, as unaware actors of a dream. Essential bodies and vulnerabilities, they defends the individual nudities with immortal works of art, tattooed on the skin as indelible memoirs of trip and experience. The amazement of the immobility, snatched with an indiscreet frame, it doesn't stop the pursuance of the flight toward the following endless and the ‘absence of gravity’ it is impalpable metaphor of itself. (g.agostini)
Flying figures face her own trips, in this new series, looking far invisible horizons. Suspended in an apparent stillness, they are concentrates instead on the same flight and on the direction, at times happy-go-lucky, at times worried. Not wraps or copies of human beings on the contrary, men and women perfect, smoothed and purified by the human imperfections and only dressed of monumental works of art, beloved in the places of arrival become new places of departure and been unintentionally impressed themselves on the skin. With the soul well hidden to the inside, they explores, they are pursued, they are looked for and at times they will be found. (m.morandi)
Rossorame (Redcopper) is A.Pagliarello
He’s born in Nichelino, next to the city of Turin, but from the ten year-old age ihe lives and works in Florence.
In the new series 'Teoresi', the based on digital manipulation jobs are the evolutionary product of the accurate searching, performed in the previous years, by photographic elaborations.
For instance, in comparison to the images of 'Mechanical Eye' or of the ‘Visions of trip, with happy latin music in the air, in a small morning in summer’, the contained concepts in the new works are always evident but less bulky; a thinner formulation of the questions and the answers is warned.
Already in the only two brief clips of videoart realized till now, 'Eolo vague' and 'Eolo wanders' of 2004, despite he has faced the emotional theme in direct way, almost violent, the powerful positiveness of the message of both results. For sure the artist doesn't forget the first expressive tool of the painting, always having preference for the informal abstract, sometimes joint to an interpretation of the visual poetry, defined by the artist as ‘vertical poetry’, using texts of own adolescent composition. Also on the canvas, the works of Rossorame are proudly cultivated and, from the times of the 'Transparency of the feline' there is a progressive unblocking of the style and the colors are more markedly vivacious, with interventions and fusions among the different disciplines, lovely amalgamate among them.
The translation has been effected with mechanical systems. We excuse there for the inaccuracies and we hope that the real concept has correctly been translated.

ROSSORAME – some expo 1997/2008
OTTOMARZOSOLODONNE – Galleria M’Arte – Pistoia 8/22 marzo 2008
MAESTRI CONTEMPORANEI – Asta – Galleria M’Arte – Pistoia 25 feb/2 marzo 2008
ROMA2007 Rassegna Internazionale Arte – Roma - 2007
ETNIA IV Edición, Feria de Arte Contemporáneo ELA Asbl – Bruxelles 2007
B+N=R? Evento Multilinguaggio SanSalvi Città Aperta – FI-ESTA – Firenze 2007
CONTRASTO & CONTRASTI Festival Corto e mediaMIX – UnoCultura – Firenze 2007
ARTECONTEMPORANEA Città di Pistoia – Pistoia 2007
Art&fortE stARt BIENNALE Venezia – Venezia 2007
Galleria Anacapri (NA) - Napoli - 2007
Galleria Rotunda Nova Goriza - Slovenia 2006
Transart Lubiana - Slovenia 2006
Galleria d’arte Atelier degli artisti - Trieste 2006
Galleria Marina Lepanto - Monfalcone Gorizia 2005
Palagio di Parte Guelfa - Firenze 2005
L’Horloge du Sud -Eau de Clip - VideoArte - Bruxelles 2005
Galleria Postart - ACEart - Milano 2005
ArtCard - Project by Sharjah Art Museum - United Arab Emirates 2005
Action-Art - Landesverband Berliner - VideoArte -Berlino 2004
Palio 2004 -Il Fiorino - Sesto Fiorentino 2004
Galleria Stoz Berlin - Berlino 2004
Galleria Arteconsult - fotodigital - Panama City 2004
Galleria Artevariarte slv international art - Firenze 2004
Galleria D.Emme - Firenze 2004
Galleria LaborArt - Firenze 2004
Omaggio a Telethon -BNL 4 - Firenze 2003
Conversatorio Scuola Belle Arti - Santiago de Veraguas-Panama 2003
Assistente opera murales S.Thomas (Aristides U.R.) - Panama City 2003
Cittadella dei Musei - IV mostra Confronti Nazionali in Arte - Cagliari 2003
Cons.Reg.Toscana e LaborArt - Firenze 2003
Pinacoteca Comunale - I fumi cotti -Ripe San Ginesio (MC) 2003
Knaipe - Firenze 2003
Castello dell’Imperatore - Prato (Firenze) 2003
Arte Mostra Mercato - Arosio (Como) 2003
Galleria LaborArt - Firenze 2002
Fortezza da Basso - Firenze 2002
Lo Spizzico degli Artisti - Firenze 2001
Teatro Mugellini - Potenza Piacenza (MC) 2000
Periodico indipendente ‘Lo Spigolo del Cerchio’ 1999
Galleria Arte di Cavoleto (PS) 1998
Galleria Arte di Treia (MC) 1997
Galleria Arte di Ripe San Ginesio (MC) 1997
Omaggio a Emilio Villa - Galleria Accademia Cattani di Bologna 1997
Performance & Poesia - Parterre - Firenze 1997
Performance & Poesia - Pongo - Firenze 1997

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